About Us
Recycle My Windshield was formed to create a sustainable solution for the recycling of damaged laminated glass. Many companies such as glass producers, distributors, glass replacement companies, vehicle dealers and more generate significant volumes of damaged glass that they have been seeking a long term solution for recycling.
We provide the solution.
How is laminated glass recycled?

Companies interested in helping the environment divert their damaged glass from landfills and work with Recycle My Windshield to create a solution.
The damaged glass is processed by Shark Glass Recycling, the leading recycler of post-consumer windshields in North America.
The patented process liberates the glass from the PVB interlayer so both are transformed into raw materials that are used in manufacturing new products.
The patented process liberates the glass from the PVB interlayer so both are transformed into raw materials that are used in manufacturing new products.